Trinity is led by Vanessa B. Beasley, Ph.D., the University's 20th President. 总统与组成总统内阁的行政领导团队一起工作. The University is governed by a diverse Board of Trustees,为大学的管治制定政策.


Vanessa B. Beasley

Vanessa B. Beasley, Ph.D. 2022年7月,她开始担任澳门金沙赌城线上游戏153年历史上的第20任校长. 遵循大学以学生为中心的使命和愿景, 比斯利已经准备好领导全国顶尖的文理大学之一.

Beasley, Trinity’s first female president, 曾任教务长,负责学术事务, dean of residential faculty, 范德比尔特大学传播学副教授. 比斯利的学术专长领域包括美国总统的修辞, political rhetoric on immigration, and media and politics. 她在范德比尔特大学读本科,并获得了言语交际和戏剧艺术的文学学士学位. She also holds a Ph.D. 来自德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的语言交流专业.

比斯利总统的妻子是特雷·比斯利,他们有两个成年的儿子. 她喜欢旅行,听现场音乐,在空闲时间举重.


Letter from the President


澳门金沙线上赌博官网的使命是通过持久的卓越培养学生的成功, intentional inclusion, and perpetual discovery. 我们提供独特和个性化的教育体验,融合了人文学科, STEM, 以及城市住宅环境下的专业预科课程. 我们致力于跨学科的体验式学习和本科生研究, 利用丰富的资源支持和提升学生的体验.


Vanessa B. Beasley, Ph.D.
President, Trinity University

Executive Leadership Team

Megan Mustain


Megan Mustain, Ph.D., 监督所有学术项目和学术预算,并为澳门金沙赌城线上游戏的愿景和战略目标做出重大贡献. 她发展和指导教师和专业人员在学术事务, including Coates Library, TU Press, and the Registrar.

headshot of mike bacon
Michael Bacon '89


Michael Bacon, CFRE, 拥有超过25年的高级开发和对外关系主管经验, 他在哪里专门从事战略筹款计划的创建和实施. At Trinity, 培根为大学筹款和校友参与提供领导和战略愿景.

Eric Maloof

Vice President for Enrollment Management

Eric Maloof 担任澳门金沙线上赌博官网的首席招生官,负责战略规划, overall management, 负责招生办公室的日常管理, Student Financial Services, 校际体育和校园娱乐.  他致力于促进澳门金沙线上赌博官网作为全国顶尖文理学院的声誉,并保持人才的入学率, diverse and innovative students.

Gary Logan

Vice President for Finance and Administration

Gary Logan 财务管理领导者是否具有财务预测方面的专业知识, modeling, and business operations management. 他是注册会计师,并担任Trinity的首席财务官, 在预算方面发挥领导作用, endowment management, purchasing, facilities services, human resources, student financial services, conferences, and campus police.

Brandi P. Jones

Vice President for Inclusive Engagement (VPIE)

STEM高等教育的全国思想领袖, Brandi P. Jones, Ph.D. 在创建访问最佳实践方面有丰富的经验, inclusion, 为科学和工程领域的少数族裔群体提供人才培养. At Trinity, 她促进了校园社区所有成员之间的学习机会,以及圣安东尼奥和该地区的参与.

Frank Guerra


Frank Guerra combines his expertise in corporate marketing, 政治式营销和以人为本的研究,开发创新的营销和战略传播解决方案. Frank recently retired from the advertising, 他在26年前创立了一家营销和公关公司, 曾为包括宝洁在内的客户工作过 & Gamble, Sprint, Citibank, Whataburger, the Don’t mess with Texas Campaign®, and the Texas Department of Transportation.

Andrew M. Wells

Vice President for Student Affairs

Andrew M. Wells, Ph.D., serves as chief student affairs officer. 在这个职位上,他监督综合咨询, Health Services and Wellness Services; Residential Life; the Chapel & Spiritual Life; the Dean of Students Office; Student Inclusion & Belonging; and Student Engagement & Development.

Erika Robinson, Esq.

General Counsel

As General Counsel, Erika Robinson, Esq. J.D.,为大学提供重要的法律监督和战略指导. 她是第九条问题的主题专家,在许多其他法律问题上拥有丰富的经验, including employment, academics, privacy, and risk management. She holds a certificate in Diversity, Equity, 乔治城大学继续教育学院的包容性.

Luisa Casso


As chief of staff, Luisa Casso 帮助管理内部协作以及与外部合作伙伴的关系, 监察大学策略计划的执行情况, and supervise staff in the President’s Office. 卡索在私人领域拥有超过20年的公共事务经验, public, civic, and nonprofit arenas.

Claire Smith

Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trustees


University Boards

Board of Trustees
Trinity is governed by its Board of Trustees, 负责制定大学管治政策.

Board of Visitors
The Board of Visitors, 由大学校友及朋友组成, acts as a sounding board to the President, offering strategic advice.

Alumni Association Board
澳门金沙赌城线上游戏校友会的咨询机构, 该委员会旨在增加校友的互动和支持.